.NET Conf November 2020 - Welcome .NET 5 Image

.NET Conf November 2020 - Welcome .NET 5


Microsoft is celebrating the 10th anniversary of the .NET Conf on November 10 until 12 2020. This virtual conference offers 80 sessions with over 100 speakers from all over the world. The big highlight of the conference was the release of .NET 5 which succeeds .NET Core 3.1 and is the first step to a unified .NET platform.

Keynote with all the Scotts

The keynote was held by Scott Hunter and he started with...

.NET Conf - Focus on Microservices Summary Part 3 Image

.NET Conf - Focus on Microservices Summary Part 3


Why You Should Care About Microservices

by Brendan Burns

Brendan Burns a co-creator of Kubernetes talked about microservices and why you should care about them. The answer is that you shouldn’t care about microservices. Rather you should care about your users, the performance of the application, and how easy it is to fix bugs.

If you have a monolith and it is working for you, you shouldn’t change it. Don’t change working applications...

.NET Conf - Focus on Microservices Summary Part 2 Image

.NET Conf - Focus on Microservices Summary Part 2


Adding a Little DAPR to Your .NET Microservices

by Cecil Phillip

Why is building microservices difficult?

  • Hard to move from a monolithic architecture to a microservice architecture
  • Runtimes only target specific infrastructure platforms, for example, .Net only Windows

Use Dapr for:

  • Service-to-service invocation
  • State management
  • Pub-sub
  • Resource bindings and triggers
  • Actors
  • Distributed tracing
  • Secrets

Dapr runs as a sidecar and allows service-to-service invocation. The hard part with microservices is...

.NET Conf - Focus on Microservices Summary Part 1 Image

.NET Conf - Focus on Microservices Summary Part 1


On July 30th, Microsoft hosted the latest online .NET Conf. The topic was “Focus on Microservices”. Many famous speakers like Scott Hunter, David Fowler, Kelsey Hightower, or Jessica Deen talked a whole day about microservices. In this post, we will summarize most of the talks. You can find all talks here.

This is the first part of the summary. You can find part 2 here and part 3 here.

Welcome to...