Using Git from the command line Image

Using Git from the command line


Visual Studio 2013 and TFS 2013 have both native support for Git. Not all advanced features are supported in the Visual Studio UI, so there might be some situations where you have to do this from command line.


When you are working with your Git repository, you will be notified to download and install 3rd-party Git command prompt tools. Those tools will be installed by using the Web Platform Installer. If you closed...

TFS 2013: TFVC vs. Git Image

TFS 2013: TFVC vs. Git


Since Visual Studio and Team Foundation Server support Git as a source control system, there are a lot of conversions going on about when to choose what version control system. TFS is an Application Lifecycle Management platform and contained one version control system called Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC) in the past. Since version 2013, Git is fully integrated into TFS as well as Visual Studio.

When we talk about Git and TFS a lot...